Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Day 1 (a day late)

This should have been posted yesterday but I was unable to do so, so it is a day late...I hope that is not a sign of things to come in the year ahead. This blog is created for me to record my 365 (+1 as its a leap year) Challenge pics, as well as various bits and pieces related to it. Each day Anna B will post a quote and a prompt for anyone taking part to follow, check it out here or in the link section( I dont honestly know if I will be able to keep up with doing it everyday, but I am going to here goes.

Prompt 1 was make a list of 10 things you hope to do or achieve this year...well here is my list: -

1. To walk the Moonwalk in Edinburgh (half moon).
2. To lose the weight, if not all then some of what I gained when I gave up smoking, so I suppose this is really to adopt a healthier lifestyle.
3. To be a better person and friend.
4. To be more organised.
5. To make a bigger effort with researching my family tree.
6. To start the quilt I have always wanted to make.
7. To learn some new craft techniques and use some of the ones I do know but have given up on.
8. To scrap at least 1 layout a week.
9. To read my bible more often than I do at the moment.
10. To find one thing everyday to be grateful for.

Quote 1
"A day without laughter is a day wasted" - Charles Chaplain

Day 1

A smile should alway reach your eyes

Today I am grateful for - My Family....we had a quiet evening just the 4 of us, well 5 as my daughter had a friend staying. I compared us to all the people with a house full of people having parties etc and realised I was exactly were I wanted to be, not having a wild time, not on my own, but sitting safe, happy and loved in the heart of our home.


Debbie H said...

Wow - amazing photo!!

** Paula ** said...

Love the photo. Think your list of goals is great.