Wednesday 2 January 2008

Day 2

Prompt 2 - Journal your feelings today, or give one word that sums them up. I am journalling in a notebook, but if I had to choose one word to sum up my feelings for the day, that one word would need to be: -


Quote 2
"I´m gonna make a change,
For once in my life
It´s gonna feel real good
Gonna make a difference
Gonna make it right
I'm starting with the man in the mirror"

Micheal Jackson

Day 2

"All Change"

A very appropriate quote for today, as it sums up exactly what I want to achieve this year and that is to change not only how I look, but also somethings about my life that I am not too happy with.

Today I am grateful for - My health - I have spent today with both members of my family and members of my husbands family and was really aware of how old both of our respective parents looked, but apart from that how unwell a few of them looked....and I think that health is something we are never grateful for until we lose yes today I am pleased to say, I am grateful for my good health.

2 comments: said...

Anne, what a great start to your challenge. Love your photo.

** Paula ** said...

Love the photo of you! Looking forward to seeing many more to come!