Friday 4 January 2008

Day 4

Prompt 4

"Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are"

It may seem strange to some that I chose my laptop and phone as something I treasure on a normal day, but to me it does not seem strange at all. Thanks to these two pieces of equipment I can talk to my friends all over the world at any time of the day or night. A few weeks ago my laptop was ruined in a flood and it was awful not being able to communicate with the people I know only on line, but whom I have become extremely fond yes it is a "Treasure".

Today I am grateful for - my home - when I awoke this morning it had been snowing and pretty as it was it was extremely cold, the snow had fallen for a good part of the night when I was safe and warm and tucked up in a nice cosy bed. So I am grateful that I am not homeless with no way of getting in out of bad weather.

1 comment:

** Paula ** said...

it's amazing how we all come to treasure our computers - we wouldnt have became friends it wasnt for them!

the best way to enjoy the snow, is from inside a nice warm cosy home, looking out the window!